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Vintage Perfume Bottles For Sale   
    Blog Last Updated On: 26-Feb-2025

Vintage vs Modern

Vintage bottle collecting

Posted on 1-Oct-2011

How to open old perfume bottles

I learned how to open old bottles back in 2003. My husband has been urging me to share this information with other perfume bottle collectors, but I have been reluctant. My argument has been that if everyone knew how to open old bottles, then there would be less bottles for me to find and open. I have been selfish in my silence. But I am now moving into a selling mode and away from collecting mode so I will share. If you have a bottle with a “frozen stopper” they can be very easy to open. Purchase an old ultrasonic cleaner from ebay or Labx is a place to buy used laboratory equipment. You can pick up an older unit between $30 and $200, depending on its condition and size. Fill the tank up with hot water, just enough to come up to the top of the bottle where the stopper is inside the bottle. You want the stopper to be above the water, but you do want the water to reach the top of the bottle. The water will loosen the junk on top of the bottle, while the ultrasonic action of the cleaner will vibrate the bottle. The hot water causes the glass to expand. Keep your finger on top of the stopper, without applying pressure. I have had stoppers actually pop up and water leak into the bottle. Start the cleaner and run for about 35 seconds and remove bottle from water, and pull up on stopper. If it doesn’t lift up right away, place in water again and run the cleaner for another 35 seconds. When you remove the bottle don’t touch the labels on the bottle. Instead, take a paper towel and press it flat against the label to remove any water that may have gotten behind the label. The water alone will not hurt your label, it will dry flat against the bottle and not curl.

An old ultrasonic cleaner works like magic

Tips for Buying Perfume

Posted on 29-Oct-2011

How to choose a perfume

If you're eager to know how to pick perfume for women, much of the proper selection comes down to the time of year the perfume is acquired and when a specific perfume was made. If it was produced during the warmer season of summer and spring, then you should get something that is very cool, flowery, and also sweet smelling. D&G Light Blue is definitely an eternal favorite during these times. In case you are asking yourself what are the things you need to consider when shopping for perfume, then you're not the only one. It is practically challenging to find the ideal perfume to wear since there are so many different brands accessible at present. In fact, it seems that by far, more celebrities are launching their very own perfume brands along with those currently being created by renowned cosmetic companies.

Conversely, you would prefer to have a stronger earthier fragrance for the wintry months, which may warm you up and help to make you feel comfortable in your winter ensemble.

Perfume Making Tips

Posted on 19-Oct-2011

Filtering a composition

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A wonderful fun and informative youtube video made by Boris of Essentially MeUK. (Boris is Alec Lawless Stroud’s alter ego) Boris demonstrates fining and cold filtration to remove cloudiness from natural fragrances/perfumes.

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