Happy New Year
Posted on 12-Jan-2014
May 2014 be the best year ever!
I am working on creating a 2014 calendar with perfume art I have created. If you are interested, let me know.
Perfume Collecting
Posted on 24-Jan-2014
L'Heure Bleue
I thought I would share this photo. Vintage spray perfumes are avoided by most people, who gravitate towards parfums only. Guerlain L'Heure Bleue is the exception. The vintage sprays are awesome! Here are the ones to look for.
These are sprays. The sprays are my favorites, they smell awesome. From left to right these are 1950s 1.5 EDT still sealed with the plastic tab. It is a screw top and I unscrewed it to verify the fragrance. It is perfect. Next is a 2.5 oz Cologne from the 1970s. I have used this one and have really enjoyed it, but it is still 85% full. Next is a 1.5 oz Cologne from the 1960s, completely full and sealed and perfect, with the box, which still has the cellophane on it. Next is a 1980s 3.1 oz EDT with the box. This is the reformulated version. Very different but a good version. I have used this one as well and it is half full. The last one on the right is a 1970s 2.5 oz Cologne, also still sealed with the plastic tab. I opened it and verified the scent is perfect, and before the reformulation.
Bottle Collecting
Posted on 28-Jan-2014
Always looking for more
Is it an addiction?
I rarely admit this to new collectors but yes, it is addicting. There is something wonderful in looking for something and finding it that can be addictive. My sister was a gold miner and she loved dredging, mining and panning for gold. I use to go with her panning sometimes and once I found a nugget (flake) I was hooked on panning for gold. It is exiting to find something everyone covets. I was already a rock hound and use to spend my weekends digging in the river beds of the Merced River just south of Yosemite National Park, in a place called Briceburg. While gold panning meant squatting in cold creeks, crystal hunting meant swinging a pick and digging through quartzite to get at crystals. I was addicted to hunting for crystals for years. So, when I discovered perfume bottle collecting, it was as if I found a new rock to hunt, and the chase was on.
While I only look for the unusual and rare perfumes today, occasionally I can't resist a good deal. Today was such a day, and I just bought an entire collection of bottles. More than 130 bottles by Coty. More than half with their boxes. What a wonderful thrill this will be. So you can expect I will list some in the next month or so, as I weed out duplicates of what I already have. My biggest thrill is that there is a bottle without a box in the collection that I have been looking for for 8 years! Yes, 8 years. And now, I will finally have the bottle to go in my beautiful Paris box. I still can't believe it took me 8 years to find that bottle. lol
Here is a page I created with a list of Coty perfume release dates. Coty List of Perfumes

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